Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) in Austin, TX
There is hope for permanent relief. Your pain and stiffness may be caused by damaged fascia, a thin tissue that surrounds and connects all your internal parts. When it is damaged by injury, inflammation, or stress, it can become tight and restricted, putting pressure on your muscles, joints, and nerves, causing pain and dysfunction across your body. However, this damage doesn’t show up on standard scans or respond to standard treatments, so it can often seem mysterious. If that sounds like you, IASTM, sometimes called Myofascial Release, may be the answer you’ve been looking for.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization uses a special tool to gently massage your skin in order to break up your tight, damaged fascia. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it can make. That seemingly impossible-to-relieve pain and tightness will suddenly be gone, so you can get back to moving well, sleeping well, and enjoying your favorite activities again. Mystery solved!
Check out our Five Easy Ways to End Your Back Pain at Work Free PDF Download. IASTM is paired with therapeutic exercises, so here are a few exercises you can do at home to decrease your pain!
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization in Austin, Texas is important in assisting with injuries that have long since healed, but that are still causing you pain. This pain can be due to fascia which is a type of connective tissue. Fascia surrounds ALL structures in the human body traveling just below the skin to the outer covering of our bones. Think of it as a “cellophane” wrap which helps to connect muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves.
This connection helps keep weight distributed evenly while protecting nerves and blood vessels. With an injury due to trauma or over use, fascia can change from a kind of “cellophane” to a “sticky wrap” that gets bunched up and knotted in random places. These “knots” are what restrict movement and cause pain. IASTM works to straighten out that sticky wrap back into smooth cellophane! This improves mobility and blood flow which means you experience decreased pain and better performance of your tissues!
What are the benefits of IASTM?
With the assistance of tools such as stainless steel Graston and Hawkgrip, Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization has the benefits of:
IASTM is a lot like a deep tissue massage, and it benefits those that are suffering from plantar fasciopathy, sprains and strains, lumbar pain, cervical pain, post-operative muscle tightness, and repetitive strain injuries (like tennis and golfer’s elbow). We pair it with therapeutic exercises, and afterwards you can immediately get back to your day. There’s no pain involved and no recovery time needed. Plus, with mobile physical therapy from Move Empower, that means we come to your home or office, so your appointment is over with much faster than your average physical therapy clinic that you have to drive to!
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization is the use of tools to increase your range of motion and decrease your pain/inflammation due to scar tissue from previously healed injuries.
No! It’s pain free. In fact, you can think of it more as a deep tissue massage to relax your muscles and better align scar tissue within your body. There’s no downtime after an Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization treatment so you can get right back to your busy schedule.
IASTM is generally used in conjunction with therapeutic exercises to increase your range of motion and decrease your pain/inflammation, but this is something that one of our physical therapists will determine at your appointment.
Click below for a free 30-minute phone consultation with one of our mobile physical therapists to discuss your condition and how Move Empower Physical Therapy can help you.