Massage therapist cupping a patient to help with back pain

Specialized Techniques for Therapeutic Massage

Here at Move Empower Concierge Physical Therapy, we specialize in not just any massage, but therapeutic massage tailored to your unique needs. Today, we’re exploring the intricate world of massage therapy, focusing on four specific techniques: trigger point therapy, cupping, myofascial release, and manual lymphatic drainage.

Trigger Point Therapy: Unlocking Tension with Therapeutic Massage

Massage therapist using trigger point therapy on female patient's neck for neck pain

This technique involves identifying and applying pressure to specific “trigger points” in your muscles. These are tight areas within muscle tissue that can undeniably cause pain in other parts of the body. Our technique involves targeted touch, easing these points and offering relief from pain and discomfort.

Cupping: Ancient Technique Meets Modern Therapeutic Massage

Texas massage therapist using cupping technique on a patient's back for back pain


Cupping, an age-old practice with roots in traditional Chinese medicine, has found a new home in modern therapy. This technique uses special cups on your skin to create suction, promoting increased blood flow, relaxation, and therefore general healing.

Myofascial Release: A Gentle Approach To Therapeutic Massage

Austin massage therapist uses Myofascial release massage techniques to relieve back pain


Relief doesn’t always have to be about deep pressure. Myofascial release is a testament to that. This technique involves gentle, sustained pressure on the myofascial connective tissue. This technique certainly helps eliminate pain and restore motion. The aim is to ease the tension in the fascia that surrounds muscles and organs. Therefore, enhancing flexibility and movement.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage: Therapeutic Massage for Enhancing Your Body’s Natural Healing

A Texas massage therapist using manual lymphatic drainage techniques on a patient's neck to relieve neck pain

Finally, manual lymphatic drainage encourages the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues and back towards the heart. This technique is certainly beneficial for detoxification, edema, pre- and post-surgery therapy, and overall health enhancement.

Why Choose Therapeutic Massage at Move Empower Concierge Physical Therapy?

In summary, At Move Empower, our approach is holistic and patient-centered. Our expert therapists are trained in these specialized techniques, ensuring that each session is tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, looking to enhance your physical performance, or simply aiming for overall wellness, our Austin, TX therapeutic massage services are here to empower your journey to better health.


Ready to experience the transformative power of therapeutic massage? Book your free discovery session today.


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