Black and white photo of a man holding his bare shoulder that is highlighted in red to show shoulder pain

Common Causes and Treatments​ of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is an increasingly common ailment that affects many people, especially those leading active, busy lifestyles. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a professional juggling the demands of work and family, shoulder pain can impede your daily activities and quality of life. In this guide, we delve into the common causes of shoulder pain. We also explore effective non-operative treatment strategies. Our goal is to guide you towards a path of recovery and wellness.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

  1. Rotator Cuff Injuries: Firstly, the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, is crucial for the wide range of motion our shoulders provide. Injuries here can range from mild strains to complete tears, often resulting from repetitive overuse or acute trauma.
  2. Tendinitis: Tendinitis in the shoulder is usually due to the inflammation of the tendons, typically as a result of overuse. Activities that require repetitive arm motions, such as swimming or tennis, can predispose individuals to this condition.
  3. Bursitis: Shoulder bursitis occurs when the bursae, fluid-filled sacs that reduce friction between joint tissues, become inflamed. This condition can cause discomfort and restrict movement.
  4. Frozen Shoulder: Also known as adhesive capsulitis, this condition is characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, often developing after prolonged immobility or a minor injury.
  5. Arthritis: Finally, Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, can affect the shoulder joint, leading to pain, swelling, and diminished range of motion over time.

The Cervical Spine Connection

A lesser-known fact is that shoulder pain can sometimes be an issue within the cervical spine. Nerve roots exiting the spine in the neck can become compressed or irritated. This leads to pain that is felt in the shoulder, a condition known as referred pain. This misdiagnosis often leads to treatments that fail to address the root cause. This prolongs discomfort and recovery.


Our highly skilled Austin physical therapists excel in differentiating between true shoulder pain and pain from the cervical spine. Through comprehensive assessments that examine both the cervical spine and the shoulder complex, we ensure an accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, this holistic approach allows us to tailor treatment plans that address the underlying issue, providing effective relief and preventing recurrence.

Non-Operative Treatment Strategies for Shoulder Pain

Understanding the root cause of your shoulder pain is the first step towards recovery. Here, we outline several effective non-operative treatments that cater to our patient avatar, offering convenience, expert care, and minimal disruption to your busy schedule.

  1. Physical Therapy: Tailored physical therapy sessions can alleviate shoulder pain by improving strength, flexibility, and range of motion. At Move Empower Concierge Physical Therapy our therapists design a personalized program that addresses the specific needs of your condition, incorporating exercises that target the affected area.
  2. Manual Therapy: Manual therapy includes techniques such as soft tissue massage, mobilization, and manipulation can provide immediate relief for shoulder pain. These hands-on treatments improve tissue elasticity, reduce pain, and increase joint mobility. 
  3. Cold Laser Therapy: As part of our commitment to offering the latest advancements in physical therapy, we’re proud to introduce Class 4 Cold Laser Therapy. This innovative treatment uses healing light to penetrate the affected area, promoting cellular repair, enhancing blood flow, and reducing inflammation. It’s a safe, gentle, and effective way to accelerate healing.
  4. Home Exercise Programs: Beyond our in-home or office treatments, we empower our patients with customized home therapeutic exercise programs. These routines are designed to continue the healing process at home, ensuring that you can manage your condition effectively, even with a busy schedule.
  5. Education and Lifestyle Modification: Finally, understanding the activities that exacerbate your shoulder pain is crucial. We provide education on ergonomic adjustments and lifestyle modifications that can help prevent further injury, allowing you to maintain an active, pain-free life.

Why Choose Us?

At our mobile physical therapy practice in Austin, TX,  we  understand the unique challenges faced by your busy active lifestyle. You value your time, health, and well-being, therefore you need solutions that fit seamlessly into your life. Our approach is centered on providing specialized, expert care that comes to you. We offer convenience without compromising quality.


We recognize that navigating the sea of information online can be overwhelming and therefore counterproductive. That’s why we emphasize a personalized, evidence-based approach, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatments tailored to your specific needs.

Taking The Next Step

If you’re struggling with shoulder pain, it’s essential to address it sooner rather than later to prevent further complications. We invite you to reach out to us for a consultation. This risk-free opportunity allows you to discuss your concerns with a specialist, explore the most appropriate treatment options, and take the first step towards reclaiming an active, pain-free lifestyle.


Our commitment to your health and well-being is unwavering. Let us help you overcome shoulder pain with non-operative strategies that align with your lifestyle and health goals. To discover how Move Empower Concierge Physical Therapy can help you achieve a pain-free, active lifestyle, and to take the first step towards lasting shoulder health, book your free discovery call with us today.

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