ME Corticosteroid Injections for Hip Pain

Corticosteroid Injections for Hip Pain

Hip pain presents a significant challenge, and many view corticosteroid injections as an appealing shortcut to relief. These injections, containing powerful agents like methylprednisolone or triamcinolone, are famous for their quick pain relief effects. However, it’s vital to weigh the long-term effects these injections could have on your hip health.

Corticosteroids Are A Temporary Fix

Corticosteroids can bring immediate relief, making them attractive for those dealing with hip issues like hip bursitis, gluteal tendinopathy, or Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS). Yet, this relief is often short-lived, fading away within a few months.


While the immediate relief from corticosteroids can be tempting, it’s important to be aware of their drawbacks. The steroids, along with the anesthetics used in these injections, can potentially damage tendons and surrounding soft tissues. Research indicates that these substances might also harm cartilage cells, posing a risk of further damage.


Repeated corticosteroid injections can take a toll on your tissues. More injections might mean poorer outcomes, especially after surgery. For example, if you’re considering an endoscopic ITB release for GTPS, prior multiple corticosteroid injections could compromise its effectiveness.

Our Approach

At Move Empower Concierge Physical Therapy, we believe in a holistic and long-term approach to hip pain. Instead of relying solely on injections, we recommend methods that focus on strengthening and stabilizing the hip. Our programs aim to improve joint function, enhance mobility, and reduce dependence on corticosteroid injections.


If you’re feeling held back by the nagging discomfort in your hip, especially when tackling simple tasks like climbing stairs or standing up after a long sit, our Texas physical therapists truly understand the frustration and emotional toll it can take. Perhaps it’s even disrupting your sleep, leaving you feeling drained and less like yourself. We’re here to offer more than just treatment; we’re here to offer understanding and a path forward. Book a free discovery call with us today and take the first step towards effective and comprehensive hip care.

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